Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are usually removed between ages 18 and 25. The surgery is usually easier for the dentist to perform when the patient is under 25 years of age. This is because after age 25 the teeth have less “soft” space around them as well as the jaw bone being more dense. The healing and recovery time is generally shorter with younger patients. Remember not everybody needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, it is best to talk to your dentist first.
Will it hurt?
You are fully frozen before the procedure begins. You will feel pressure (pushing and pulling) but no sharp pain. If you do experience pain during the wisdom tooth extraction, immediately inform your dentist as this is not normal. Some patients require extra freezing.
Post-op Instructions
Fold a piece of gauze and place in the back of both sides of your mouth and bite down with firm pressure. You want to change the gauze every 20-30 mins. After a couple of hours you may stop packing gauze if the bleeding has stopped. If the bleeding continues you may try biting on a moist tea bag, this usually does the trick.
You want to avoid any foods which may get stuck in the extraction site. This includes anything with small seeds like strawberry or popcorn. It is best to stick to a soft diet for the first few days. On the second day you may start warm salt water rinses, this will help keep your mouth clean and promote faster healing.
Prevention of swelling is key. Place ice pack 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off. If you wait for the swelling to come and then try ice packs you won't notice a big difference. It is important to try to prevent the swelling in the first place. We provide all patients with ice packs immediately following any surgery. The pain and swelling will usually peak by about 72 hours and then subside.
All patients respond differently. It could take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks or longer to fully heal. If you notice unusual pain or swelling contact your dentist immediately. If you are a patient at Summerlea Dental, you will be given Dr. Jomha’s direct line, you are welcome to call or text with questions.
You should return to see us in about a week to make sure everything is healing properly. You may also have some stubborn partially dissolved stitches that we need to manually remove for you.
Have your wisdom teeth removed at Summerlea Dental by Dr. Taha Jomha. We recommend that you book for an x-ray and consult first but you may also request to have your surgery on the same day.
Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a significant amount of pain and can lead to developmental problems if left untreated.
Do they need to come out?
Remember not everybody needs to have their wisdom teeth removed, it is best to talk to your dentist first. Some common signs that they need to come out are: Pain in your jaws or ear area. Swelling at the back and or difficulty opening your mouth. Constant throbbing. Some patients feel no pain but their wisdom teeth are in an unfavourable position; they are usually extracted to prevent future problems and damage to existing teeth.
Should I have an Oral Surgeon remove my widsom teeth?
A dentist will refer wisdom teeth removal cases to a surgeon for several reasons. Most commonly it is because the dentist is not experienced with wisdom tooth surgery or that the patient prefers to be put under a general anesthetic. Dr. Jomha routinely removes wisdom teeth ranging from simple fully erupted to more complicated impacted teeth.
Now or later?
Wisdom teeth are usually removed between ages 18 and 25. The surgery is usually easier for the dentist to perform when the patient is under 25 years of age. This is because after age 25 the teeth have less “soft” space around them as well as the jaw bone being more dense. The healing and recovery time is generally shorter with younger patients.