Dental Blog

When Fillings Alone Can Eliminate Pain
Patient presents with pain on his lower left molars. He only feels pain when he is eating or drinks something cold. We took X-rays of the teeth to confirm that there was some decay on the top surfaces of the teeth. I also tested the teeth with cold and they were sensitive but not overly painful. This is a good sign as we can fix these teeth with fillings and will not need to perform root canals. The photo below shows these teeth before any work was done. Notice the top tooth has a white filling and stain round the margins. The bottom tooth has deep groves and stain. When feeling with an explorer (pointy instrument), there is a “sticky” hole that can be explored.
I drilled out the bulk of the cavity (decayed tooth) and below is what the teeth looked like. Notice there is still some decayed tooth structure. Tooth decay usually works its way towards the nerve or pulp of the tooth. This is because the bacteria are drawn to the source of nutrition
The photo below shows the teeth with the decay removed. Notice there is still some dis-colored tooth remaining. I am getting close to the nerve. I disinfected the tooth at this point with Sodium Hypo-clorite (good old bleach) and then placed a fluoride base over the areas. The fluoride base is slow release and services two purposes. One is that is helps reduce sensitivity and second it is antibacterial. The photo below and to the right shows the teeth after the base has been applied.
After this step the tooth is ready to fill. Below are the before and after pictures of these teeth.
Smile in a Day: Dr. Jomha’s Advanced Training in Full Arch Dental Implant Placement and Restoration
Dr. Jomha recently had the opportunity to travel to Carlsbad, California to train at the ZimVie Institute. As a practitioner who places implants, he was eager to learn advanced techniques in order to provide the best possible care for his patients. During the course, Dr. Jomha and his colleagues learned how to place and restore…
Clear Correct Day
Friday September 17, 2021
BOOK YOUR SPOT. LIMITED AVAILABILITY Your journey to a straighter smile starts now. Join us at Summerlea Dental on Friday, September 17, 2021, for ClearCorrect Day. Our team will be offering complimentary ClearCorrect consultations, scans, snacks, and refreshments all day long. Book Your Complimentary Consult – Save your spot: Learn More about how ClearCorrect…